I will start with pictures of my beautiful new (3 months old now!) little girl. As you can see, Hillary loves putting her in various different hats and headbands with bows and flowers galore. I think Hillary is psyched to have a girl to dress up instead of giving Camden her purse and high heels to wear around the house...I know the purse picture already made the blog, but I am trying to keep the high heel pic for our archives only (that is until his graduation day when I flash that photo in front of the school auditorium).

Kendall is growing and changing more and more everyday. She smiles more often and we are getting the most precious giggles out of her. She is really coming to life and is a joy to be with. C

amden is a good big brother and always gives her some of his toys to play with, pacifier when he thinks she needs it, always asks if she wants to go do something fun like "ride in the car," "go outside," or if she "wants a snack." It is so sweet to hear him include her and say things like, "no crying, Kendall Jo." It truly melts your heart to see your kids get along. I know that can change on a dime, so we are cherishing it now.

Easter was so much fun. Hillary loved picking out the kids outfits and taking Cam on 3 Easter egg hunts. This is my favorite picture of my kids and me ready to go off to church. Don't they look adorable? This is going to be my new wallpaper on my computer at work.
Camden loved "finding" eggs on the ground and putting them in his basket. We hunted Easter eggs at my

Aunt Debby and Ervin's with cousins

Lily and Chloe, at Nana and Poppi's with cousins Gage and Daniel, and at church with a whole mess of other kids. It was pretty easy pickings at his age level, you just scatter the eggs in the yard and watch the free-for-all. P.S. doesn't Cam kinda look like Don Johnson in Miami Vice with his pastel blue suit with shoulder pads complete with sandles...hot stuff dude.

Here are some fun pics of the kids hanging out together. On the right, Cam thought it would be fun to play in our sump pump clean out and splash around. Mommy LOVES messes. It was pretty funny, though...and he had fun.
April is a tough month for our family. It has been 3 years since we lost my brother, Zach in a tragic plane crash April 20, 2006. We miss his so much every day, but especially around Easter when we all spent our last holiday together. It is sad to know that our kids can't hang out with their Uncle Zach and be blessed by his words, smiles, hugs, and music. He was the best man/brother anyone could ask for and he is sorely missed. His influence is ever-present in our kids lives and we are so thankful for that. Zach, we miss you and long to see you again.