Sunday, August 2, 2009

A summer in pictures...

We're back in the blogging world after a LONG hiatus! We've had such a great summer with lots of time with family and fun in the sun! I can't even believe school starts a week from tomorrow!!!! I have loved every minute of being home with my babies this summer, but always look forward to the challenges of a new school year. I am so blessed by being able to stay home part time again this year! Joel is busy at work, still loving what he does.....he doesn't like much complaining that summer break is over. Ha! Ha! I decided that I would just post a ton of pictures and hope that they would explain the highlights of our goes.
We kicked off our summer with a Novak, Royer, Farmer, and Trent family trip to Siesta Key, FL. The kids loved living together and playing in the sand! We had a blast and can't wait to go back. Joel and I celebrated our 5th anniversary while we were there...unbelievable! Love that kid more everyday! :)

Camden and Gage were the cutest little ringbearers in Christa and AJ's wedding. Thankfully Christa was laid back and her expectations weren't high for our precious 2 year olds, because Camden took off in a dead sprint down the aisle and dropped his pillow. Gage, being the polite gentleman he is, picked it up and shouted "Cam, wait!!". Down at the end of the aisle, Camden took back his pillow and we heard a very polite "sank-you". Oh dear. Thank you AJ and Christa for the fun experience! :)

We celebrated Camden's 2nd birthday on June 13th....can't even believe my baby is 2! Our house was decked out in a fire truck themed party and Camden got so many cool things like a firehouse, basketball goal and sand & water table! Cam was super healthy at his 2 year check up weighing in at 26lbs and 36 in long. He knows all his colors and shapes, lots of letters and a few numbers too! He cracks us up everyday with the new things that come out of his mouth. We're so proud of our boy!

July was filled with lots of relaxing at the Dolphin Club, an awesome visit from my bestest Jessica and her sweet family from Arizona (can you believe we didn't take one picture, Jess? Terrible!!) and an attempt at potty training....(yep, I said attempt).

That brings me to our Kendall Jo. Let me just brag on this baby for a minute. She is an absolute joy in our lives and Joel and I are just head over heals in love! Kendall is as easy as you can get...hardly ever fussing and her face just lights up in a huge smile whenever she catches your face. Kendall is sitting up like a pro and army crawling to whatever she sets her sights on. My prediction is that we have an early mover on our hands. Yikes. Camden adores her, continuing to talk in the highest pitched voice you can imagine..."Try it crying Kendall Jo...come here baby"...we love watching them together! Kendall checked out beautifully at her 6 mo check up in July weighing in at 17 1/2 lbs and 26 in. long. We're so proud of her, too! :) Some of the latest pictures of Kendall...

This is where I found my sweet baby while I was busy making breakfast for child #1. Opps! Never said I was Super-Mom! :) Time to get the gates out, huh?

Finally, Wade and Steph worked their magic again and took some awesome family pictures (really they were for Kendall's 6 month-ish pictures...but we got some cute ones of Camden too.) Here are some of my favorites...

Shewww!!! So sorry for the summer break in blogging...I promise I'll be better. Hopefully no one has given up on us! Have a great week!

The Novaks...

Camden loves to smile, laugh, and be a busy boy. Kendall has her daddy right where she wants him!!